Philippine Standard Time:
Friday, February 16, 2024 8:50:35 PM
source: PAGASA
GS 2025-01-001
Publication of One (1) City Ordinance
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
Supplemental Bid Bulletin #1

Supplemental Bid Bulletin #2
GS 2025-01-002
Supply and Delivery of Buffer Stock for 1st Quarter
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-01-003
Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 1st Quarter (Executive & Legislative Department)
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-01-004
Supply and Delivery of Medicines for CHO for the 1st Quarter (East, West, Bacon and Main)
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-01-005
Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Unit Fiberglass Tourist River Work Boat Set (with Roofing)
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-01-006
Supply and Delivery of Equipment, Materials and/or Tools and Jigs (R.E.B.U.I.L.D Program)
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-02-007
Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Fertilizer for 1st Quarter
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-02-008
Supply and Delivery of Penetrator Fire Truck with Accessories
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-02-009
Supply and Delivery of Sports and Athletic Supplies for the 2025 Palarong Bicol
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-02-010
Catering Services for the Concentration Training and Participation of athletes, training and Sports Officials for the 2025 Palarong Bicol
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2025-02-011
Supply and Delivery of Sports Uniform for the Participants of 2025 Palarong Bicol (Athletes, Sports and Training Officials)
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
Goods Procurement List
GS 2024-01-001Supply and Delivery of Supplemental Dietary Goods for Supplemental Feeding
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
Supplemental Bid Bulletin
GS 2024-01-002Supply and Delivery of various Goods for the Livelihood Program
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-01-003Provision of IEC Materials for the Women’s Month Celebration
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-01-004Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Umbrella with Print
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-01-005Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Shirt with Print
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-01-006Provision for Food and Drinks for the Women’s Month Celebration
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-01-007Supply and Delivery of Buffer Stock for 1st Quarter 2024
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-02-008Supply and Delivery of Sporting Goods for the Athletes, Sports and Training Officials for the 2024 Palarong Bicol
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-02-009Catering Services for the Athletes, Sports and Training Officials of 2024 Palarong Bicol
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-03-010Supply and Delivery of Learning Materials for Kindergarten Learners
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-03-011Supply and Delivery of Common Used Office Supplies for 1ST Quarter 2024
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-03-012Supply and Delivery of Medicines for the City Health Office & 3 RHU for 1st quarter 2024
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-05-013Publication of Four (4) City Ordinances
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-05-014Supply and Delivery of various GOODS for 2nd Quarter Buffer Stock
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-05-015Supply and Delivery of Rice Cereal for ECCD
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-05-016Provision for Milk for Milk Feeding Program
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-05-017Provision of Motorized and Non-Motorized Fiber Glass Boat with Complete Accessories
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-06-018
Provision for Motorcycle Tires for the Kabuhayan Program
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-06-019Supply and Delivery of one (1) Unit Rescue Boat
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-06-019 NPSupply and Delivery of one (1) Unit Rescue Boat with Trailer
Invitation to Bid
GS 2024-06-020Provision of School Backpacks for Students of Different Public Schools
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-06-021Supply and Delivery of Various School Supplies for Students of Different Public Schools
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-06-022Supply and Delivery of Printed T-Shirts for YCAP Program
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-06-023Supply and Delivery of Caps and Umbrella with Logo for YCAP Program
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-07-024Supply and Delivery of Pick-up Truck Vehicle for BFP
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-07-025Re-Bid Provision of Motorized and Non-Motorized Fiberglass Boat with Complete Accessories
Invitation to Bid
GS 2024-07-026Re-Bid Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Rescue Boat w/ Trailer
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-08-027Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Fertilizer for Top Dressing
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-08-028Supply and Delivery of Medicines for City Health Office for the 3rd Quarter
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-08-029Supply and Delivery of One (1) Unit Brand New Mini Backhoe
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-08-030Supply and Delivery of Welfare Goods for Stockpiling 3rd Quarter
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-08-031Supply and Delivery of Desktop Computers
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-09-032Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Complete generator Set
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-09-032 RE-BIDRe-Bid Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Complete Generator Set
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-034Supply and Delivery of Canned Fruit and Dairy
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-035Supply and Delivery of Advocacy Bag for Women
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-036Supply and Delivery of Supplemental Dietary Goods for Supplemental Feeding
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-037Supply and Delivery of Canned Food Stuff and Pasta
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-038Supply and Delivery of Food Stuff (Nutribun) for the Supplemental Feeding
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-039Supply and Delivery of Supplemental Dietary Goods
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-040Supply and Delivery of Various Food Stuff
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-041Supply and Delivery of Prosperity Bag with Logo
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-042Supply and Delivery of Food Supplies for Supplemental Feeding
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-043Supply and Delivery of Mobile Kitchen
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-044Provision of Mobility Device for Senior Citizen and PWD's
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-045Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for 4th Quarter
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-046Supply and Delivery of Brand New Emergency Rescue Vehicle
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-047Supply and Delivery of Welfare Goods for Stockpiling for 4th Quarter
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-048Supply and Delivery of Inorganic Fertilizer for Planting Season
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2024-10-049Supply and Delivery of Motorcycle Tires for Kabuhayan Program
Invitation to Bid
Philippine Bidding Documents
GS 2023-01-001Supply and Delivery of GOODS for the 1st Quarter Buffer StockInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2023-01-002Supply and Delivery of IEC Materials for the Women’s SectorInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-01-003Provision of Advocacy T-Shirt for the Women’s Month CelebrationInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-01-004Provision of Advocacy Umbrella for the Women’s Month CelebrationInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-01-008Catering Services for the Women’s Month CelebrationInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-02-009Fabrication, Supply & Delivery of Tricycle Franchise Plate & StickerInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-02-010Supply and Delivery of Common Used Supplies for the 1st QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-03-011Supply and Delivery of various VEHICLE for the different City DepartmentInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-03-012Supply and Delivery of One (1) unit TOW TRUCKInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-04-014Supply and Delivery of Medicines for the City Health Office & 3 RHU’s for 2nd QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-05-015Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the City Health Office 3-RHU for 2nd Qtr 2023Invitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-05-016Supply and Delivery of Buffer Stock for 2nd Qtr of 2023Invitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-05-017Supply and Delivery of various FertilizerInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-05-021Supply and Delivery of Common Used Office Supplies for 2nd Quarter of 2023Invitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-05-022Supply and Delivery of School Backpacks for the various Public SchoolInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-029RE-Bid “Supply and Delivery of various Fertilizer”Invitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-030Supply and Delivery of School Supplies for the students of the different Public SchoolInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-032Supply and Delivery of Hygiene Kits for distribution to ECCDInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-033Provision for Milk for the Feeding ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-034Supply and Delivery of Supplementary Reading Materials for Elementary & Secondary SchoolInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-035Supply and Delivery of Electronic Gadget (TABLET) for Elementary & SecondaryInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-036Supply and Delivery of Rice Cereal for distribution to ECCDInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-06-037Supply and Delivery of Motorcycle TiresInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-08-045Supply and Delivery of Vehicle Crash Rescue Extrication EquipmentInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-08-046Supply and Delivery of Air Lifting Flat Bag for use @ CDRRMOInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-08-047Publication of Nine (9) City OrdinancesInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-08-048Supply and Delivery of various Brand New Heavy EquipmentInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-08-049Supply and Delivery of Printed T-Shirts for the YCAP ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-060RE-Bid _ Supply & Delivery of Vehicle Crash Rescue Extrication EquipmentInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-061RE-Bid _ Supply & Delivery of Air Lifting Flat Bag for use @ CDRRMOInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-062Supply & Delivery of GOODS for the 3rd Quarter Buffer StockInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-063Supply & Delivery of Mobility Devices for PWD’s and Senior CitizenInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-064Supply & Delivery of Office Supplies for the 3rd QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-065Supply, Fabrication & Installation of Christmas Decoration @ Sorsogon CityInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-066Supply & Delivery of CAPS w/ Print for the YCAP ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-067Supply & Delivery of UMBRELLA w/ Print for the YCAP ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-074Supply & Delivery of One (1) unit Brand New Dump TruckInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-075Supply & Delivery of FOOD Supplies for the Supplemental Feeding ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-09-076Supply & Delivery of FOOD Stuff (NUTRIBAN) for the Supplemental Feeding ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-078Supply and Delivery of various FOOD STUFFInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-079Supply and Delivery of Fish Cage and Material InputInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-080Provision of Prosperity Bag Printed w/ LogoInvitation to Bid
GS 2023-10-081Supply and Delivery of Buffer Stock for the 4th QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-082Supply and Delivery of Canned Food Stuff and PastaInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-083Supply and Delivery of Supplemental Dietary GoodsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-084Supply and Delivery of Canned Fruit and DairyInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-085Supply and Delivery of Assorted InOrganic FertilizerInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-086Provision of Motorized and Non-Motorized Fiber Glass Boat w/ Complete Accessories & GearsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-087Supply and Delivery of Printed Bag w/ Hygiene Kits for the Women SectorInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-088Supply and Delivery of One (1) unit Brand New ManLiftInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-089Supply and Delivery of Medicines for the City Health Office & 3 RHUInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-090Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the City Health Office & 3 RHU’sInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-10-091Supply and Delivery of Common Used Office Supplies for 4th QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-11-054Supply, Delivery and Fabrication of Bus. Plates and Tricycle Stickers for 2023Invitation to Bid
GS 2023-11-093Provision for Motorcycle Tires for the Kabuhayan ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-11-094Re-BID Supply and Delivery of Fish Cage and Material InputInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
GS 2023-11-095Re-BID Provision of Motorized and Non-Motorized Fiber Glass Boat with Complete Accessories & GEARSInvitation to BidPhilippine Bid Documents
Goods Procurement List
Goods Procurement List
GS 2022-01-005Procurement of One (1) unit Dump TruckInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding DocumentsSupplemental Bid Bulletin
GS 2022-02-006Procurement of various Goods for the 1st Quarter Buffer StockInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-02-007Procurement of Hygiene Kits for Day CareInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-02-008Procurement of Kalinga Kits / Care Kits for DAYCAREInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-02-009Provision for Milk for the Feeding Program of DAYCAREInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-02-011Supply and Delivery of Medicine for the 1st Quarter (2022)Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding DocumentsSupplemental Bid Bulletin
GS 2022-02-012Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the 1st Quarter (2022)Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding DocumentsSupplemental Bid Bulletin
GS 2022-03-011Supply and Delivery of Various Vehicle for the Different City DepartmentInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-03-012Supply and Delivery of 1-Unit Tow TruckInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-03-013Procurement of Office Supplies for the 1st Quarter of 2022Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-04-014Supply, Delivery and Installation Testing and Commissioning of Complete Generator Set for the City GovernmentInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-05-015Supply and Delivery of InOrganic Fertilizer for the City Agriculture OfficeInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-05-016Procurement of Common Used Office Supplies for the 2nd QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-06-017Supply and Delivery of Android TV Set for the City DepEdInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-06-019Supply and Delivery Backpack Bags for various Public SchoolsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-06-020Procurement of School Supplies for the various Public SchoolsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-06-021Procurement of Additional Backpacks for various Public School & Day Care CenterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-06-022Supply and Delivery of T-Shirts for the various Public SchoolsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-06-023Procurement of Surveying Services for the Topographic, Relocation and Monumenting of the Relocation Site @ Buenavista West District and Osiao, Bacon DistrictInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-07-024Publication of City Zoning Ordinance of 2021Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-08-026Supply and Delivery of Two (2) units Brand New VEHICLE for the City Government of SorsogonInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-08-029Supply and Delivery of various Food Stuff for Supplemental Dietary ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-09-033Supply and Delivery of various GOODS for the Supplemental Feeding ProgramInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-09-035Supply and Delivery of various GOODS for the Buffer StockInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-09-039Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for the 3rd Quarter of 2022Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-09-040Supply and Delivery of One (1) unit Fiber Glass Speed Boat for the City Agriculture OfficeInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-09-041Supply and Delivery of MEDICINE for the City Health OfficeInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-09-043Supply and Delivery of E-BALDE Equipment and First Aid Kits with Medicine CabinetInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-044Supply and Delivery of BAGS with Hygiene KitsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-045Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the City Health OfficeInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-046Supply and Delivery of High-Density Polyethylene and Other Pipes & Tubing for the Sanitary LandfillInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-047Supply and Delivery of Three (3) units Mini Garbage Truck for CENROInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-048Supply and Delivery of Two (2) units Brand New Pick-Up VehicleInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-049Supply and Delivery of BAGS (Printed w/ Logo)Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-050Fabrication, Supply and Delivery of Motorized and Non-Motorized BoatInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-051Provision for Supplemental Dietary Food for every HouseholdInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-052Supply, Delivery and Installation of Proposed Christmas DecorationInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-10-053Supply and Delivery of Hygiene KitsInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-054Supply, Delivery and Fabrication of Business Plates and Tricycle Stickers for 2023Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-055Supply and Delivery of various Equipment for use @ ECCDInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-058Supply and Delivery of Arm Chair for use of the City DepEdInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-059Supply and Delivery of various GOODS for the 4th Quarter Buffer StockInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-060Re-Bid _ Fabrication, Supply and Delivery of Motorized and Non-Motorized BoatInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-061Supply and Delivery of Office Supplies for the 4th QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-062Supply and Delivery of One (1) unit BACKHOEInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-069Supply and Delivery of various Equipment for use in the Delivery of Quality EducationInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-075Supply and Delivery of Medicine for the Last QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-076Supply and Delivery of Medical Supplies for the Last QuarterInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-077Supply and Delivery of Device for Mobility DisableInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-11-078Supply and Delivery of various Equipment for the different Offices of the CityInvitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-12-079Supply and Delivery of Two (2) Units Brand New Multi-Purpose Vehicle (MPV)Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS 2022-12-001 NPInvitation for Negotiated Procurement due to Two-Failed Biddings – (Fabrication, Supply and Delivery of Motorized and Non-Motorized BOAT)Invitation to BidPhilippine Bidding Documents

2021 Former Opportunities (GOODS)

Procurement list, Goods ( Former Opportunities)
GS-2021-010-036Procurement of Additional Medicine to Manage Effect on Health After CalamityInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-010-037Procurement of Basic Necessities for the Supplemental Feeding ProgramInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-010-042Procurement of Breeder & Feed Supplies for the Swine Multiplier FarmInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-043Procurement of Advocacy Materials (with Hygiene Kits) for the Vulnerable SectorInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-044Procurement of Basic Emergency Supplies for StockpilingInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-045Supply and Delivery of Welfare Goods for the Supplemental Dietary ProgramInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-048Procurement of Additional One (1) unit High-Side Mini Dump TruckInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-051Supply and Delivery of Common Use Office SuppliesInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-052Supply and Delivery of Inorganic FertilizerInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-053Supply and Delivery of PRINTERS for the City DepEdInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
GS-2021-011-054Procurement of Medicines for the 4th Quarter (2021) for the 3-RHU’s of Sorsogon CityInvitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents
Supply and Delivery of Construction Materials for the Construction / Improvement of Multi-Purpose Hall (Evacuation Center)Invitation to bidPhilippine Bidding Documents