Philippine Standard Time:
Friday, February 16, 2024 8:50:35 PM
source: PAGASA


Section 301 of the National Building Code states that No person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of government, shall construct, alter, convert, use, occupy, move, demolish, and add a building/structure or any portion thereof or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a Building Permit from the Building Official assigned in the place where the subject building/structure is located or planned to be located.

Any person desiring to obtain a building permit and any ancillary / accessory permit/s together with said Building Permit and any ancillary/application/s on the prescribed applications forms as stated in the Latest Implementing Rules and Regulation of the National Building Code of the Philippines (PD 1096).

The permit becomes null and void if work does not commence within one year from the date of such permit, or if the building is abandoned or work is suspended for a period of 120 days.


Any person, firm or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of government, who intends to construct, alter, convert, use, occupy, move, demolish, and add a building/structure or any portion thereof or cause the same to be done.



(Single Dwelling Residential / Commercial/Industrial/Others)

  • Documentary Requirements Checklist
  • Four (4) copies of filled – up Unified Application Form for Building Permit
  • Fire Safety Evaluation Certificate (FSEC) from Bureau of Fire Protection
  • One (1) photocopy of Current Real Property Tax Receipt
  • One (1) certified copy of Tax Declaration
  • One (1) certified copy of Original Certificate of Title (OCT) / Transfer certificate of Title (TCT), or Deed of Absolute Sale or Lot Locational Plan from LRA (if lessee, Contract of Lease)
  • Four (4) sets of Ancillary Permit Forms, Survey Plans, design plans, specifications and other documents as follows: (signed and sealed by designing professionals)
  1. Architectural Documents
  2. Civil Documents
  3. Sanitary Documents
  4. Plumbing Documents
  5. Electrical Documents
  6. Mechanical Documents
  7. Electronics Documents
  8. Geodetic Documents
  9. Fire protection Plan (if applicable)
  • Three (3) photocopies of Valid Licenses (PRC ID) of all involved professionals
  • Notarized estimated value of the building / structure to be erected as declared by the owner
  • Construction Safety and Health Programs
  • Affidavit of Undertaking
  • Soil Test
  • Structural Design Analysis

One (1) copy of Clearance from other government agencies exercising regulatory functions such as:

  • HLURB – for zoning and land use of all types of building/structure.
  • CZAO – City Zoning Administration Office for Locational Clearance
  • Bureau of Fire Protection – for all types of buildings/structures
  • DPWH – Road Right of Way Clearance along national road for all types of building/structures.
  • PEO – road right of way clearance along provincial road for all types of building/structures
  • LGU – for all types of buildings/structures
  • DENR-EMB Clearance (ECC/CNC) – for all commercial and industrial buildings
  • DOLE – for industrial buildings
  • DOH – for health hazard-related buildings / structures
  • ATO – for buildings / structures exceeding 40 meters in height
  • Philippine Tourism Authority – for tourist-oriented projects
  • Department of Education – for educational buildings
  • Energy Regulatory Board – for gasoline stations.

To facilitate processing, please take note of the following before submitting the plans and other requirements above to the CEO:

  • Requirements of the Revised 2005 National Building Code (PD 1096) & its Implementing Rules and Regulations
  • Laws and City Ordinances affecting the design/project
  • Requirements of the referral codes (Architectural Code, Philippine Electrical Code [PEC]. Revised Plumbing Code, Structural Code [NSCP] Mechanical Engineering Code [PSME]
  • Compliance with BP 344 (Accessibility Law) should be indicated in detail on plans for commercial, institutional and public buildings
  • If setback/yard requirements are not met on the sides and at the back/rear the Firewall (strictly no opening) extending up to at least 1 meter from the roof level shall be provided. It shall be indicated on the site development plan with owner’s conformity.
  • Grease Trap/Oil Separators shall be provided for hotels, restaurants, eateries, terminals, gasoline station, auto repair shops, bakeries and other similar establishments
  • All revisions/addition made in the plans shall have an acknowledgement of the designer.
  • Special Power of Attorney/Authority to construct shall be provided if the owner is not the signatory in all application forms, plans and documents.
  • Forms and Letters, Plans, Specifications, Bill of Materials and Cost Estimates and other pertinent documents must be signed and sealed by the Designer and signed by the Owner.
  • All application forms and letters must be properly filled-up with all necessary information available.

SERVICE SCHEDULES: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM



Please refer to the Revised Edition of National Building Code 2005.

(NCBDO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 1, Series of 2004 – New Schedule of Building Permit Fees and Other Charges)


Steps Involved

Action of the City Engineer’s Office

Transaction Time

Responsible Person/s

Pre-evaluation of Documentary Requirements

1.    Submit Application Form and Documentary Requirements

Receives documents and verifies completeness of plans and gives an endorsement to other offices / agencies for securing other required clearances

20 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I



2.    Secure an order of payment after the application has been determined to be complete and in order.

Issues an order of payment

5 minutes

Engineer IV/ Acting Building Official

3.    Proceed to the Office of the City Treasurer, pay the required fees and submit photocopy of Official Receipt to Office of the City Engineer

Receives photocopy of Official Receipt and notify client for the date of release

5 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I


4.    On scheduled date, proceed to the Office of the City Engineer and receive the approved building permit

Releases the approved building permit

10 minutes

Building Inspector

Engineer I



The following permits are required to secure a building permit:

Ancillary Permits

The Ancillary Permits duly signed and sealed by the corresponding professionals and the plans and specifications shall be submitted together with duly notarized application for Building Permit. The Building Permit is null and void if not accompanied by the Ancillary Permits. The prescribed Ancillary and other Accessory Permits/forms shall likewise be used whenever applicable. The Ancillary Permits are the following:

  • Architectural Permit
  • Civil / Structural Permit
  • Electrical Permit
  • Mechanical Permit
  • Sanitary Permit
  • Plumbing Permit
  • Electronics Permit


Accessory Permits

Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for accessory parts of project with very special functions or use which are indicated in the plans and specifications that the building permit application. These may include, among others: bank and record vaults; swimming pool; firewalls separate from the building/structure; towers; silos, smokestacks; chimneys’ commercial/industrial fixed ovens; industrial kilns/furnaces; water/waste treatment tanks, septic vaults; concrete and steel tanks; booths, kiosks and stages; and tombs, mausoleums and niches.

Accessory Permits are issued by the Building Official for activities being undertaken prior to or during the processing of the building permit. The coverage is spelled out in the accessory permit form including the expiry period. These shall be signed by the owner/s applicant and by the concerned professionals .These permits include, among others, ground preparation and excavation, encroachment of foundation to public area, fencing, for fence not exceeding 1.80 meters high, sidewalk construction, temporary sidewalk enclosure and occupancy, erection of scaffolding, erecting, repair, removal of sign; and demolition.



Individual, firms or corporations seeking a building permit



Fencing Permit

This permit is secured prior to actual construction of fence.


  • Fencing Permit Form (NBC Form No. B-03) – 4 copies duly signed and sealed and notarized
  • Fencing Plan – 4 copies
  • Bill of Materials and Cost Estimates – 4 copies
  • Specifications – 4 copies
  • Lot Plan with Certification of a Geodetic Engineer that the proposed fence will not encroach on adjoining properties.
  • Transfer Certificate Title (TCT) / Original Certificate Title (OCT) – 1 copy
  • Deed of Sale/Lease Contract/Contract to Sell, if the OCT/TCT is not in the name of the owner / applicant – 1 copy
  • Certificate of Real Property Tax Payment / Current Tax Receipt – 1 copy


Demolition Permit

This permit is secured prior to systematic dismantling or destruction of a building or structure in whole or in part.


  • Demolition Permit Form (NBC Form No. B-08) –4 copies duly signed and sealed and notarized
  • Floor Plan with Geodetic Certification and vicinity map – 4 copies
  • Certified true copy of Latest Tax Declaration –1copy
  • Certificate of Real Property Tax Payment / Current Tax Receipt – 1 copy
  • Certified True Copy of OCT / TCT -1 copy


Permit for Temporary Service Connection

This permit is secured for temporary service connection to a power utility for lighting and power construction, testing etc.


  • Permit for Temporary Service Connection Form (NBC Form No. E-03) – 3 copies
  • Building Permit (for new construction) – 3 copies
  • Electrical Plan / Layout – 3 copies


Temporary Sidewalk Enclosure and Occupancy Permit

This permit is secured prior to the construction and repair of sidewalks.


  • Temporary Sidewalk Connection and Occupancy Permit Form (NCB Form No. B-05) – 3 copies
  • Sketch Plan of sidewalk to be constructed / repaired or enclosed.


Scaffolding Permit

This permit is secured whenever the erection of scaffolding occupies street lines.


  • Scaffolding Permit Form (NBC Form No. B-06) –4copies
  • Sketch Plan of street line to be occupied – 4 copies


Sign Permit

This permit is secured prior to the installation, erection, attachment painting of any form of signage.


  • Sign Permit Form (NBC Form No. B-07) – 4 Copies duly signed & sealed and notarized
  • Building Permit Form whenever there is a concrete / steel structure – 4 copies duly signed and sealed and notarized
  • Structural Analysis – 1 copy duly signed and sealed.
  • Zoning Clearance
  • Electrical Permit (NBC Form No. A-03) whenever there is an electrical connection – 4 copies duly signed and sealed
  • Fire Clearance whenever there is an electrical connection
  • Location / Vicinity Plan / Site Development Plan
  • Lot documents whenever it occupies a private lot
  • DPWH clearance (for national roads / highways)
  • Specifications and Cost Estimates – 4 copies duly signed and sealed
  • Certified true copy of Latest Tax Declaration – 1 copy
  • Certificate of Real Property tax payment / Current Tax Receipt – 1 copy
  • Contract of Lease, if not owned


Excavation and Ground Preparation Permit

This permit is secured prior to ground preparation and excavation after the building line is established.


  • Accomplished Excavation and Ground Preparation Permit Form – 3 copies
  • Foundation Plan with detailed drawings sketch Plan – 3 copies


SERVICE SCHEDULES: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM



Please refer to the Revised Edition of National Building Code 2005.

NCBDO Memorandum Circular No. 1, Series of 2004 – New Schedule of Building Permit Fees and Other Charges)


Steps Involved

Action of the City Engineer’s Office

Transaction Time

Responsible Person/s

Pre-evaluation of Documentary Requirements

1.    Accomplish the forms and submit the same along with other requirements

Assesses and evaluates the submitted documents

20 minutes

Building Inspector

Engineer I

2.    After the documents have been found to be complete and in order, secure an order of payment

Issues an order of payment

5 minutes

Engineer IV/ Acting Building Official

3.    Proceed to the Office of the City Treasurer, pay the required fees and submit photocopy of Official Receipt  to Office of the City Engineer

Receives photocopy of Official Receipt and notify client for the date of release

5 minutes

Building Inspector

Engineer I


4.    On scheduled date, proceed to the Office of the city Engineer and receive the approved building permit

Releases the approved building permit

5 minutes

Building Inspector


Engineer I




A Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection (CFEI) is required before any building/structure is used or occupied. It is usually secured after the completion of electrical installation and is a requirement in securing power service connection forms the Sorsogon II Electrical Cooperative.

It is also required if there is any change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building / structure or any portion thereof.

Sec. of Philippine Electrical Code states that no electrical installation, alteration and or/addition shall be connected or reconnected to any power supply or any source of electrical energy without a CFEI obtained from the Government Authority Concerned.



Individuals, firms or corporations seeking an Occupancy Permit


  • Location / Sketch Plan of Electrical Layout for 1-9 outlets only of not more than 1,620 VA for indigenous dwellings
  • Electrical Permit (NBC Form No. A-03)
  • Electrical Plans
  • Electrical Specifications
  • Bill of Materials and Cost Estimates

SERVICE SCHEDULES: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM



Please refer to the Revised Edition of National Building Code 2005.

(NCBDO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 1, Series of 2004 – New Schedule of Building

Permit Fees and Other Charges)


Steps Involved

Action of the City Engineer’s Office

Transaction Time

Responsible Person/s

1.    Present the required supporting documents to any member of the building staff for initial verification of the requirements

Verifies all necessary documents appropriate

10 minutes

Electrician II

Electrical Aide

Engineering Aide

2.    After the documents/ requirements and or corrections have been found to be complete and/or in order, secure an order of payment.

Issues an order of payment

5 minutes

Engineer IV/

Acting Building Official

3.    Proceed to the Office of the City Treasurer and pay the required fees and submit photocopy of Official Receipt to CEO

Receives photocopy of Official Receipt and notify client for the date of release

5 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I

4.    Secure approved Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection

Releases approved certificate of final electrical inspection



5 minutes


Engineering Aide


An occupancy permit is required before any building / structure is used or occupied. It is usually secured after the completion of a structure.

It is also required if there is any change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building, structure or any portion thereof.


Individuals, firms or corporations who wish to occupy a newly completed structure or one that has changed existing use or occupancy classification.


  • Documentary Requirements Checklist
  • Filled –up Unified Application Form for Certificate of Occupancy
  • Three (3) copies of Certificate of Completion, duly notarized
  • One (1) copy Construction Logbook, signed and sealed by the Owners, Architect or Civil Engineer who undertook full-time inspection and supervision
  • One (1) copy of approved plan and specifications
  • Three (3) sets of As-built Design Plans and specifications duly signed and sealed by all involved Professionals ( if cases when there are changes in the approved plans)
  1. Architectural Documents
  2. Civil/Structural Documents
  3. Electrical Documents
  4. Mechanical Documents
  5. Sanitary Documents
  6. Plumbing Documents
  7. Electronics Documents
  8. Geodetic Documents
  9. Fire protection Plan (if applicable)
  • One (1) copy of the valid licenses of all involved Professionals (e.g. Professional Tax Receipt and the Professional Regulation Commission Identification card)
  • Photograph of the completed structure showing front, sides, and rear areas
  • Fire Safety Inspection Certificate (FSIC)
  • Yellow Card issued by Electrical Service Provider

SERVICE SCHEDULES: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM



Please refer to the Revised Edition of National Building Code 2005.

(NCBDO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 1, Series of 2004 – New Schedule of Building Permit Fees and Other Charges)


Steps Involved

Action of the City Engineer’s Office

Transaction Time

Responsible Person/s

Pre-evaluation of Documentary Requirements and conduct advance ocular inspection.

1.    Submit  Application Forms and Documentary Requirements


Receives documents and verifies completeness of plans and gives an endorsement to other offices / agencies for securing other required clearances

20 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I

2.    Secure an order of payment after the application has been determined to be complete and in order.

Issues an order of payment

5 minutes

Engineer IV/

Acting Building Official

3.    Proceed to the Office of the city Treasurer, pay the required fees and submit  photocopy of Official Receipt  to Office of the City Engineer 

Receives photocopy of OR and notify client for the date of release

5 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I


4.    On scheduled date, proceed to the Office of the City Engineer  and receive the approved building permit

Releases the approved building permit

5 minutes

Building Inspector

Engineer I


Business Enterprises are required to secure a Building Inspection Approval from the City Engineer’s Office before the start of commercial operations and during the annual renewal of business permits. This service is among the processes involved in securing Mayor’s Permit / Business License.


Business enterprises intending to start commercial operations or Intending to renew their business permits.



New Business License / Mayor’s Permit:

  • Location / Sketch Plan with detailed information about business
  • Photo Copy of Certificate of Occupancy / Certificate of Use with attached copy of Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection
  • Certificate of Completion


Renewal of Business License / Mayor’s Permit:

  • Photo Copy of Certificate of Occupancy / Certificate of Use with attached copy of Certificate of Annual Inspection for Building and Certificate of Annual Electrical Inspection
  • Certificate duly signed and sealed of a duly license Professional (Arch, CE, PEE, PME, RMP, SE)
  • Certificate of Final Electrical Inspection, if any


SERVICE SCHEDULES: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM



Please refer to the Revise Edition of National Building Code 2005. (NCBDO MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. 1, Series of 2004 – New Schedule of Building Permit Fees and Other Charges)



Steps Involved

Action of the City Engineer’s Office

Transaction Time

Responsible Person/s

Pre-evaluation of Documentary Requirements

1.    Submit Application 

Forms and Documentary



Receives documents and verifies completeness

5 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I

2.    Secure an order of payment after the application has been determined to be complete and in order.

Issues an order of payment

5 minutes

Engineer IV/

Acting Building Official

3.    Proceed to the Office of the City Treasurer, pay the required fees and submit photocopy of Official Receipt to Office of the City Engineer

Receives photocopy of OR and notify client for the date of release

5 minutes

Building Inspector.

Engineer I


4.    On scheduled date, proceed to the Office of the City Engineer and receive the approved building permit

Releases the approved building permit

10 minutes

Building Inspector

Engineer I