Philippine Standard Time:
Friday, February 16, 2024 8:50:35 PM
source: PAGASA

Sorsogon city wide school chess tournament for elementary and secondary levels.

All schools within Sorsogon City are invited to join the tournament. 
1. Elementary Boys, Elementary Girls
2. Secondary Boys, Secondary Girls

Registration is free and open to all elementary & secondary school In Sorsogon whether public or private schools.

The tournament is round robin the players who got the highest score will be declare the champion. In case of tie FIDE RULES apply.
            There will be two categories for elementary level which is boys and girls Division. Likewise there will also be two categories which is boys and girls division In The Secondary Level.
            Cash prize and trophies will be given to the winners in each category.

Schools can register their contestant at the Sorsogon City Administrator’s Office

The tournament will apply the FIDE RULES. Moreover the tournament will be held only during weekends. Saturday is slated for the elementary level and four games are scheduled. It will be a rapid tournament of thirty minutes allowed to each player with no time increment. Draws will only be allowed after thirty moves. The winner will get one point and the loser O. In case of draw each player will get 0.5 pts. Sunday is slated for secondary level and 4 games are also scheduled. It will also be a rapid tournament with a time of 30 minutes for each player. Draws can only be allowed after 30 moves. However in both the elementary and secondary level there is a time forfeit, if players runs out of time in 30 minutes she/he will be declared a loser and the winner is the player with still time remaining his/her clock. There will be no adjustment or extension of time. The game should be finished on the time allotted.

If a player is not on the venue when the official time started he/she will be declare as default after the 30 minutes allotted to her/him expired. However if the player arrives within 30 minutes his/her remaining time will be used from the time the tournament started.