Philippine Standard Time:
Friday, February 16, 2024 8:50:35 PM
source: PAGASA


(The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Rules – as of 2022, including the latest amendments shall govern the Basketball competition except for the approved Special Guidelines and Ground Rules for Elementary level).

It is a game specially designed to build a strong foundation in developing basketball awareness as well as developing positive values through their participation. It also aims to develop the basic skills and character among children while providing unique experience for fun and enjoyment. Eventually leading the way to a long term involvement in the sport of basketball. The ultimate goal of the City Government of Sorsogon is for the participants to LEARN and GROW and not to immediately WIN. It will be a learning process for the players.

The games shall be DEVELOPMENTAL in nature and approach. To use basketball in teaching values and principles as a developmental tool to enhance camaraderie, goodwill, sportsmanship, teamwork, discipline and other life skills values inherent in the practice and participation in sports. This game will teach the participants that the main key to player development is not a secret. It is hours of sweat and training, meaning – it is HARDWORK and DEDICATION.

      1. Born 2010 for Elementary Basketball (Boys)
      2. Born 2010 for Elementary Basketball 3×3 (Girls)
      3. Born 2006 for Secondary Basketball (Boys)
      4. Born 2006 for Secondary Basketball 3×3 (Girls)
      5. Teams from public and private schools can participate in the tournament
      6. A copy of birth certificate shall be submitted along with 1×1 ID picture attached to the Entry Form
      7. Player replacement can be done only after player/s has officially graduated or officially transferred.
      8. Replacement of players will be allowed until end of August 2023 only.
      9. Grade 11 going Grade 12 this coming school year will be allowed to play.

       Team Composition

      1. A team shall be composed of not more than 15 team members and a Coach. Players In Girls 3×3, the team may include a chaperone (when the coach is male).



      1. A team shall be headed by a responsible Coach as required by the guidelines.
      2. Only the Coach (and the chaperone) shall be allowed to stay within the team bench during the official games.
      3. Only those personnel that are employed in the school can sit as a Coach of a team.


      Team Uniform

      1. The team shall have uniform when playing. A player who is not wearing the team’s complete uniform may not be allowed to play. Playing numbers shall be 00 to 99. In case of an incomplete uniform of a player/s, written request for exemption (valid reason) shall be submitted to the basketball committee.


  1. The size of the Ball for the elementary level shall be size 6.
  2. The size of the Ball for the secondary level shall be size 7.
  1. For Elementary, the game shall consist of four (4) periods. The four periods shall be played for eight (8) minutes and five (5) minutes in case extra period is needed.
  2. For Secondary, the official FIBA 2022 rules shall apply with the latest amendments.
  3. For 3×3 Girls (elementary and secondary), the official FIBA 2020 rules shall apply with the latest amendments.
  4. For both, intervals between periods is one (1) minute while interval between halves is five (5) minutes.

For Elementary 5on5 Only:

  1. All players of the team shall be fielded before the end of the 2nd Period or within the 1st Failure of the Coach to field a player in the 1st half shall be penalized with a Technical Foul (1Freethrow + Ball Possession) charged to the Coach.
  2. All players shall play at least one (1) period but not more than three (3) periods and shall be rested for one (1) period.
  3. If a Coach fielded a player for more than three (3) periods, he/she shall be penalized with a Foul (1 FT+BP) to the Coach.
  4. One (1) timeout for every period shall be granted to each team for the first thee (3) periods and two (2) timeouts for the 4th One timeout shall be granted for every extra period. Unused timeouts shall not be carried over to the next period. In the first three (3) periods, the timeouts shall either be used or forfeited.
  5. Normal Substitution procedures shall apply in all periods. A player may enter in a game as substitute as many times as possible within that period and considered as having played only in that period.
  6. In case a team has an incomplete line-up during the scheduled game:
    • The 1st period shall always start with 5 players while the other periods may be played with the remaining members of the team.
    • A team with only seven (7) players physically present at the start of the game shall be declared loser by forfeit. A team can have a minimum of 10 players and maximum of 15 players.


For Elementary

  1. (In the 1st/2nd Period) An injured player may be substituted by any player, and as such shall be considered as having played in that particular period (substitute player and injured player).
  2. Injured player upon recovery may re-enter in the same period or may play in any period.
  3. Whenever possible and if the committee will allow, every period shall be played always with five (5) players.

For Secondary (Boys and Girls)

  1. The official FIBA rules shall apply.
  1. A thrown-out player must leave the confines of the playing area.
  2. A player, coach who is disqualified as a result of a disqualifying foul/manner or the likes, subject shall be automatically suspended. The number of games of suspension shall be determined by the Technical Committee and will be based on the gravity of the act.

A. Fouls

  1. TECHNICAL FOUL – any player/coach who displays unsportsmanlike/disrespectful act such as slashing of neck, showing of dirty fingers, pointing of accusing finger and trash talking/shouting bad words/foul language, contesting calls, too much arguing with the officials and others. A warning may be given or a Technical Foul shall be slapped.
  2. PERSONAL FOUL – a player causing contact with an opposing playmate, which gives an unfair advantage and such contact are neither intentional nor flagrant.
  3. FLAGRANT FOUL – A player causing excessive contact which may cause or have caused injury to an opponent, such as, a) excessive swinging of elbow; b) throwing punch; c) tripping; and d) intentional contacting/pushing the back of a player going for a basket shall be judged to be either an unsportsmanlike/disqualifying foul.

B. Players’/Coaches’ Conduct:

    1. Any player/coach, who is slapped with disqualifying foul and ejected because of Flagrantly Unsportsmanlike Action/Conduct, shall be penalized accordingly plus an additional 1-game suspension/total disqualification or banned from further participation, depending on the gravity of the offense (as may be determined by the technical committee).
    2. Uttering/shouting of obscene/foul language/bad words or verbal abuse from players/coaches to opponents/officials or teammates shall not be tolerated. Such act shall be dealt with warning or a technical foul. The coach shall be responsible for the discipline and behavior of the followers, supporters and friends of the team.
    3. Teams shall keep and leave their bench areas clean and orderly. Non-compliance shall be dealt with a warning for the first offense, technical foul for the second offense.
    4. Coaches shall always confirm their next schedule of game with the Tournament Manager before leaving the playing venue/ or after their game.
    5. A team that walks out of their game shall be penalized with disqualification from the competition/tournament and the coach shall be banned.
    6. Any infraction committed of the covenant by any player/team may be penalized with a reprimand and or warning or a Technical Foul.
    7. Games Disruption:
  1. The initial conduct of tournament will strictly be on a “First Come, First Served” basis as only fifteen (15) teams from public and private schools shall be accepted. This will be applied in Elementary (Boys), Secondary (Boys) and Elementary & Secondary (3×3 Girls).
  2. Schools can have more than 1 entry provided that the 15 team quota for every level has not been reached.
  3. The Tournament Manager/Sports Coordinator reserves the right to make any decision on matters that affects the conduct of the tournament in which subject/concern is not covered/specified in this ground rules.

The tournament format will be Single Round-Robin schedule where each participant plays every other participant once. Top four (4) to qualify for the semifinal round (1vs4 where no. 1 has a twice to beat advantage, 2vs3 where no. 2 has a twice to beat advantage). On the final round, it will be winner versus winner for Champion and 1st Runner-up, loser versus loser for 2nd Runner-up.

Start of tournament will be on May 13, 2023. Games will mostly be played during weekends. Schedule of games will be distributed before the start of competition. Orientation of coaches will be on May 8, 2023 at the City Hall premises.